• Short About Me

    There is nothing more beautiful than a photo that has the right amount of light, shadow, and the right subject. Be it a model, a plant or someone caught completely off guard my goal is make the subject look vibrant and amazing!

    My Services

    Shooting in several styles:

    I have shot everything from a lady bug on a leaf in exotic locations to a newborn's first breaths.

    I am currently focusing on the following for upcoming shoots:

    What’s New

    .. Focus

    Portfolio Building

    I am Working with professionals and amateurs alike - there is nothing more rewarding than building up a portfolio that shows diverse flexibility in styles and looks! Studio sessions are available by appointment and I am always looking to work with motivated individuals who share my passion!

    .. 2015

    Location Sessions

    What is more beautiful than using nature as your backdrop? Currently working on outdoor / location shoots to create stunning captures and take advantage of mother nature's beauty.

  • My Bio

    Who is Ray Rivers?

    Ray is an up and coming photographer who loves to collaborate and work with clients and models to create stunning photos that show the true beauty of the model or product.

    Ray has been working on his craft for nearly 25 years, finding passion and inspiration at a young age experimenting with simple stills and nature subjects. Despite moving from standard film to digital media, the passion remains the same. Inspiration for shoots comes from everything ranging from a walk in the park, a simple song stuck in his head, or even strangers passing by.

    My Interests

  • Categories

    2014 Recent Shoot Samples

    Amateur Models

    Recent Shoots Page 2




  • About My Works

    Recent Focus

    My recent passion and focus has been on helping develop new and upcoming talent in the industry. I have been working extensively with select amateurs to gain knowledge and experience in the modeling industry along with mentoring and teaching some techniques to realize their full potential and create stunning portfolios / bodies of work.

    New Technologies

    Making the transition from film to digital many years ago, photography and technology keeps evolving. Although the principles of a truly stunning photo remains constant, the techniques and methods continue to evolve and develop. Using strobe flashes and natural light both have their place in great photography.

    Creative Ideas

    I am constantly looking for great new looks and ideas to incorporate into my works. Be it new color, texture, futuristic or old time glam, there are always amazing opportunities if one simply embraces trying new things and experimenting and growing each and every day.

  • New Model Info

    If you are reading this page you have requested more information about building a modeling portfolio

    The goal of inviting amateurs to collaborate with me is so I can do a photoshoot with you that will allow me to put together a professional portfolio for you, and then approach clients / companies that I work with regularly and if they like your look they will hire you and I for various future paid shoots.

    There will be NO COST to you for these shoots as my goal is to earn you money, not take money from you.

    Of course you will receive several photos that showcase your different looks from the initial shoot. If you are able to work within the majority of the styles and we put together a decent portfolio that will have a good chance at getting future paid shoots for both you and I, then I will be willing to book you in for the initial 2 hour shoot.

    In order to put together a professional portfolio you need to include 6 or more styles.

    I specialize in several styles:
    Portrait / Glamour / Swimwear / Lingerie / Boudoir /
    Fantasy / Fetish / Implied / Artistic Figure Modeling

    Which of these styles would you be open to shooting in?
    Please send an email to:

    include your age, height, hip, waist, bra size measurements
    Also 2 or more current photos that show your look from head to toe with your reply

    I look forward to hearing from you and working together!

    Ray Rivers

    To Apply: Email:apply@rayrivers.com

  • Read more

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    Qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

    Occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga.

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